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DE Access — Course


Have a look at the Orientation Guide for guidance in choosing a course adapted to the applicant’s profile.

Three Pathways

Each of these pathways corresponds to specific profiles and prerequisites.
If applicants have difficulty deciding on a pathway or identifying their needs, they can request an appointment with the DE coordinator: 

Continuing education

Full-time education

VAE (Validation des acquis de l’expérience)

The VAE is available at the ERACM or at the École de la Comédie de Saint-Étienne

Course to become a drama teacher

The course covers the pedagogical practice of acting, pedagogical and theatrical culture, and the professional environment. Its reference duration is 400 hours, subject to exemptions (Decree of 21 November 2023, Article 10) granted (UE3, UE5).

Training courses are organised into 5 teaching units, corresponding to 120 European credits.

Download our files:

Contact the State Diploma for Drama Teachers Coordinator: Cléo JACQUE | +33 (0)1 72 63 48 18

The PSPBB/ESAD meets the requirements of the National Quality Standards. It is Qualiopi certified.

Logo Qualiopi

Quality certification has been awarded for the following category of action: Training initiatives.