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About us


Welcome to the Pôle supérieur d'enseignement artistique Paris - Boulogne-Billancourt (PSPBB), a higher education institution for the performing arts, music, dance and drama.

Le PSPBB Qui sommes-nous ? © Julien Benhamou
© Julien Benhamou

The pôle supérieur d’enseignement artistique Paris - Boulogne-Billancourt

The PSPBB is a higher education institution offering training courses in music, drama and jazz dance. It has broad and diverse educational offering, and is accredited by the French government to award the following five national diplomas:

  • National Higher Professional Diploma in Music (Diplôme national supérieur professionnel de musicien – DNSPM)
  • National Higher Professional Diploma in Acting (Diplôme national supérieur professionnel de comédien – DNSPC)
  • National Higher Professional Diploma in Dancing (Diplôme national supérieur professionnel de danseur – DNSPD)
  • State Diploma for Music Teachers (Diplôme d’État de professeur de musique – DE)
  • State Diploma for Drama Teachers (Diplôme d’État de professeur de théâtre – DE)

The PSPBB was created on the initiative and with the support of the French Ministry of Culture and the cities of Paris and Boulogne-Billancourt. The latter is now part of the Grand Paris Seine Ouest (GPSO) territorial public institution.

The PSPBB’s aim is to help its students develop their artistic identity, prepare their personal project and future career in the best possible conditions.

The school’s educational programmes are designed to meet three main priorities:

Excellence-driven courses

It’s an artistic, educational and cultural requirement, supported by our teaching team of over 200 teachers, who are joined by a large pool of external contributors, artists, authors, directors, choreographers, composers and internationally renowned professionals, who bring quality, renown and diversity to the PSPBB’s training courses.

The best introduction to the professional world as a goal for each student

We prepare our students to start their career in their future environment. That is why we award vocational diplomas and design training programmes that are closely linked to the job market:

  • Compulsory internships
  • Real-life professional scenarios to learn how to perform on stage (shows, concerts, recitals and public examinations)
  • Immersion in the professional world (workshops, round tables and meetings with themes adapted to the reality of the artistic field)
  • Personalised support to build a career plan
  • Invitation of French and international professionals for master classes and commissions
  • English classes for professional use
  • Help in building a professional network
  • Career planning system for young graduates (integration fund)

A Professional environment track is included in each DNSP or DE course.

Links to the international network

To give our courses the widest possible exposure to the professional artistic landscape and encourage student mobility, we have strengthened and developed our links with the most prestigious international institutions (64 schools in 23 countries inside and outside Europe).

Our partners

To achieve its goals of excellence, the PSPBB relies on the specific strengths of its partner local authorities, the City of Paris and Grand Paris Seine Ouest (GPSO). These include the regional conservatoires in Paris and Boulogne-Billancourt, the Issy-Vanves conservatoire, the network of Parisian municipal conservatoires and the network of conservatoires in GPSO, as well as all public or non-profit structures in these areas.

The PSPBB is also developing its curricular project in close partnership with five universities: Sorbonne Nouvelle, Sorbonne University, Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis, Gustave Eiffel Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée and Évry University.

The PSPBB is a member of the Sorbonne University Alliance, the Association nationale d’établissements d’enseignement supérieur de la création artistique arts de la scène (ANESCAS), the Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC), the International Association of Schools of Jazz (IASJ), the Futurs Composés association, the National Association of Higher Drama Schools (ANESAD) and the Musiques Actuelles de Paris (MAP) network.

Each discipline develops close relationships with professional production and distribution structures: theaters, festivals, Scènes nationales, Centres dramatiques nationaux (CDN), Centre national de la danse (CND), Centres chorégraphiques nationaux (CCN), Centres de développement chorégraphique nationaux (CDCN), orchestras, Scènes de musiques actuelles (SMAC), etc.



Our various courses lead to:

The DNSPM - National Higher Professional Diploma in Music (Diplôme national supérieur professionnel de musicien) (RNCP level 6):

  • Discipline: instrumentalist-vocalist, in the four fields of Classical to Contemporary Music, Early Music, Jazz and Improvised Music, Contemporary Amplified Music
  • Discipline: contemporary musical creation, in the three fields of arrangement, instrumental composition and electroacoustic composition.
  • Discipline: conductor of instrumental or vocal ensembles, in both options — instrumental and vocal

The Bachelor’s degree in music and musicology (Licence de musique et musicologie) (PSPBB track) (RNCP level 6) awarded by Sorbonne University, combined with 

  • The DNSPM — discipline: instrumentalist-vocalist, in the fields of Classical to Contemporary Music and Early Music,
  • The DNSPM — discipline: contemporary musical creation, in the three fields of arrangement, instrumental composition and electroacoustic composition.
  • The DNSPM — discipline: conductor of instrumental or vocal ensembles, in both options — instrumental and vocal

The Bachelor’s degree in musicology (Licence de musicologie) (RNCP level 6) awarded by Évry University and combined with: 

  • The DNSPM — discipline: instrumentalist-vocalist, in the field of Jazz and Improvised Music (CMDL)

• The Bachelor’s degree in music and sound engineering (Licence musique et métiers du son) (RNCP level 6) awarded by Gustave Eiffel University, UFR Arts création et Technologies, and combined with:

  • The DNSPM — discipline: instrumentalist-vocalist, in the fields of Jazz and Improvised Music and Contemporary Amplified Music

• The DE — State Diploma for Music Teachers (Diplôme d'État de professeur de musique) (RNCP level 6):

  • Discipline: ensemble conducting, instrumental ensembles option
  • Discipline: instrumental or vocal teaching, in the four fields of Classical to Contemporary Music, Early Music, Jazz and Improvised Music, Contemporary Amplified Music
  • Discipline: musical training
  • Discipline: accompaniment, music option

The Master’s degree in Improvisation and Musical Creation (Master Improvisation et création musicale) (RNCP level 7) awarded by Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis University

The Master’s degree in Analysis and Creation (Master Analyse et création) (RNCP level 7) awarded by Sorbonne University (SU)


A single course leads to:

  • The DNSPD - National Higher Professional Diploma in Dancing (Diplôme national supérieur professionnel de danseur) (RNCP level 6) in jazz aesthetics.
  • The Bachelor’s degree in Musicology (Licence Musicologie) — dance track with Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis University (RNCP level 6), combined with the DNSPD.

The Department of Drama, PSPBB/ESAD (École supérieure d'art dramatique - Paris) offers two courses leads to:

  • The DNSPC — National Higher Professional Diploma in Acting (Diplôme national supérieur professionnel de comédien) (RNCP level 6)
    This course allows you to validate a License in Theater Studies awarded by Sorbonne Nouvelle University (RNCP level 6), combined with the DNSPC.
  • DE — State Diploma for Drama Teachers (Diplôme d'État de professeur de théâtre) (RNCP level 5)