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Taking care of yourself and your health means optimising your chances of success throughout your course. The PSPBB is in the process of setting up a Health Centre, accessible to all its students.
A partnership has been set up with La troisième rive, an association of psychologists, to provide psychological support for PSPBB students. Since 2018, this association has been involved in higher education, including at the Paris CNSMD.
Two psychologists from La troisième rive are available for sessions at their office at 46, rue des Bordeaux in Charenton (94), on metro line 8. The setting is the same as in a private office, i.e. strictly confidential. The PSPBB does not have access to any nominative information concerning the students who attend sessions as part of this partnership.
These sessions are free of charge, paid for by the PSPBB, up to a limit of 9 sessions per year. You can make an appointment directly with the association at the following e-mail address: permpspbb@gmail.com.
No reason is illegitimate, and it’s better to seek help for nothing than to be left alone with thoughts or habits that are weighing you down.
Since September 2023, a partnership with the Institut Médico-Sportif Préfontaine has given students access to healthcare professionals known for their expertise in traumatology related to their artistic activities.
This partnership includes an annual follow-up for each student, individual assessments for newcomers, as well as conferences and workshops for students and teaching staff.
There are two centres where you can meet healthcare professionals without having to pay in advance (third-party payer social security and medical insurance), with excess fees covered by the PSPBB (excluding complementary examinations): in Paris 16th and Saint-Germain-en-Laye: contact@prefontaine.fr | +33 (0)1 34 51 08 64
Are you enrolling in a higher education institution for the first time? In this case, you do not change your compulsory health insurance scheme (general scheme, MSA…).
You are entitled to reimbursement of your medical expenses in the event of illness or maternity. To supplement health insurance reimbursements, you can subscribe to a complementary health insurance plan. You can choose between a “mutuelle étudiante”, your parents’ “mutuelle” or any other complementary scheme.
Depending on your financial situation, you may be eligible for the complémentaire santé solidaire (C2S).
If you are supported by your partner who you’re living with and who is not a student, you must fill in the cerfa n° 15680*01 to request that you be attached to them.
If you receive an annual emergency relief, you are entitled to the C2S on a personal basis.
For Sorbonne University, improving the living conditions of students means first and foremost taking effective account of their health needs. To achieve this objective, the University Service of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion (SUMPPS) was set up, open to Sorbonne University students as well as those from other institutions by agreement.
The multi-disciplinary SUMPPS Sorbonne University team (nurses, doctors, psychologists, social workers and administrative managers) welcomes you to a unique, redesigned space.
“Services for people with disabilities” are also available for one-on-one appointments and specific awareness-raising campaigns.
Students have access to all SUMPPS services for 1 year, with no limits and at no extra cost: access to care, medical certificates, specialist consultations (dietetics and nutrition, sports medicine, etc.), disabilities, reception and support, psychologists, occupational hazards, prevention, etc.
The Student Health Service is open to all students. It provides access to medical care and health advice and facilitates access to healthcare professionals by offering free and confidential consultations. It also offers prevention and health promotion services (vaccinations, screening, etc.), health education, etc.
Students can consult by teleconsultation or obtain an appointment on site from Monday to Friday with various clinicians from the University Service of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion (SUMPPS): doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists or midwives (gynaecology and contraception).
CROUS also offers its services to all PSPBB students.
Remote consultations with a therapist are also available.
To take care of your well-being, we recommend: